Make Your Solana Token Immutable

Make Token Immutable

Making your SPL token immutable on the Solana blockchain locks its settings so that
metadata or authorities can't be changed in the future. This process builds trust in the
community, and protects against unauthorized changes.

Make Your Token Immutable on Solana

Easily make your own SPL token immutable without coding.

Select Token*
Service Fee: 0.025 SOL
Lock In Your Token’s Settings Permanently

Why Make Your Token Immutable on Solana?

Permanent Metadata Lock

Once you make your token immutable, its metadata, including name, symbol, and other properties, cannot be changed.

Fixed Token Supply

Ensuring that no more tokens can be minted provides stability and trust, crucial for long-term blockchain projects.

Increased Trust Among Holders

Making your token immutable builds confidence among your Web3 community, knowing that the token’s properties are set in stone.

Prevent Unauthorized Changes

Ensure that no one, including the token creator, can alter the token’s metadata or authorities after it is made immutable on Solana.


Ready to
Make Your
Token Immutable?

Use Parachute’s tool to lock in your token’s settings and secure its future on Solana.


Frequently Asked Questions

What does it mean to make token immutable on Solana?

Making a token immutable means that its metadata and permissions are locked permanently, preventing any future changes.

Making your token immutable on Solana protects it from unauthorized changes, builds community trust, and ensures long-term stability.

Connect your wallet to Parachute, select your token, and follow the guided steps to securely make it immutable on the Solana blockchain.

Yes, once a token is made immutable on Solana, it cannot be altered and changed, making the action irreversible.

If freeze authority is not revoked, there is a risk that the tokens could be frozen by someone with that authority, leading to potential community distrust and the possibility of a rug pull.

It secures your SPL token against future changes, builds trust with your community, and supports a decentralized project.

Without making your token immutable on Solana, it remains vulnerable to unauthorized modifications, which could impact its security and stability.

No, once a token is made immutable on Solana, all its settings, including mint and freeze authority, are permanently locked.

By locking the token’s configuration, you eliminate the risk of future changes, ensuring your token remains secure and unchangeable on Solana.

No, making a token immutable on Solana does not affect its core functionality; it only locks the configuration to prevent changes.

Without immutability, your Solana token remains vulnerable to potential unauthorized modifications like rug pulls, which could harm your project’s reputation and stability.

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